I went vegan after being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer

The diagnosis happened during my senior year of college. I was about to graduate at the top of my class. I had a fantastic job lined up. I had big plans for my future.

Then towards the end of 2013, I had surgery to remove a cyst from my lower abdomen. The surgery was successful, which should have been the end of the story.

About a week later, I received a call from my surgeon. “I need you to come to my office to discuss the biopsy results from your surgery.”

Immediately, I knew that something wasn’t right. When I arrived at his office the next day, my surgeon got straight to the point.

“Leif... Your mass was not a cyst. It was a tumor that tested positive for a very rare form of cancer named Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.” 

I don’t remember anything else he said. I was in shock. The shock quickly turned to denial. Then anger. How could this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? I was just 21 years old and had been diagnosed with cancer. I felt like my life was over.

After two weeks of spinal taps, blood tests, and dozens of scans, we discovered that we had removed the cancer before it had a chance to spread. I was overcome with relief and gratitude. I felt like I had been given a second chance at life and had learned a crucial life lesson: if we don’t have our health, then we don’t have anything.

So, against my oncologist’s recommendations, I rejected preventive chemotherapy and radiation in search of a more holistic approach. After a few months of research, I decided to adopt a whole-food, plant-based diet. But my journey didn’t stop there.

I stumbled across the film Earthlings in 2014, which opened my eyes to the (obvious) ethical implications of consuming or using any animal products. Period. I learned the truth that these corrupt industries try so hard to hide and the devastating toll they inflict on our planet.

That was all I needed to know. I went vegan overnight.

During my first year as a vegan, I felt amazing! But I really struggled to lose fat and get fit. To make matters worse, many people joked about my fitness aspirations as a vegan. And for a while, they seemed to be right.

I was spending hours in the gym every day, spinning my wheels, and making little progress. And no matter how healthy I ate, my stubborn body fat wouldn’t budge. I was frustrated and burnt out. I desperately wanted to transform my physique and prove the doubters wrong, but I didn’t know how.

As an engineer, I went into analytical mode. I thoroughly researched, developed, and finally systemized a concrete formula that I used to radically transform my body.

Leif Arnesen - 1 to 7 year vegan transformation

I even helped my steak-loving brother, Anders, become a healthy, fit vegan after serving 4 years in the US Marines. We have since joined forces to help vegans become happier, healthier, and more confident! Through our books, courses, and coaching, we’ve helped thousands of vegans burn stubborn body fat, build lean vegan muscle, and supercharge their health.

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On this site, you can download our protein-packed vegan recipes, access our popular Rapid Vegan Fat Loss Program, calculate your vegan macros, and more!

And the best part? It’s all 100% free.

All we ask in return is that you use these free resources to help spread the vegan message. Together, we’ll challenge the status quo and show the world what vegans are truly capable of!

Vegan for everything 🌱🐮🐷🐔🌎

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