vegan bodybuilding

10 Vegan Fitness Myths

You’ve probably heard all kinds of fitness myths throughout your life like “you’ll gain fat if you eat late,” “you can spot reduce body fat,” or “you need to do a lot of ab exercises to get a 6-pack.”

Are these types of claims actually true and proven by science?

By the end of this article, you’ll know for sure. We’re taking a closer look at these 10 biggest fitness myths of all time:


False. Eating too many calories makes you fat.

A study from the Department of Nutrition at Arizona State University found no major differences in fat loss, muscle loss, or overall weight loss between low-carb dieting (~5% calories from carbs) and high-carb dieting (~40% of calories from carbs) when protein intake was equal.

Based on the current metabolic research, low-carb diets do not appear to yield any fat loss benefit over high-carb diets.

In a study analyzing the effectiveness of low-fat versus low-carb diets, researchers from the University of Glasgow concluded, “Differences between low-fat and low-carb diets are marginal. Optimizing adherence is the most important factor for weight loss success”.

Low-carb diets are a sham. Don’t follow them.

There’s no need to fear carbs in your diet. Get access to our 30 FREE Vegan Meal Plans!


There is some truth to this actually, but many people overemphasize the detrimental effects of eating late by proposing that all calories consumed past a certain time of day turn intro body fat.

In general, it is better to finish eating a few hours before going to bed, but you’re not going to get fat from eating late. It mostly comes down to energy balance: calories in versus calories out.

But if you follow a schedule that allows you to eat a majority of your calories earlier in the day, you’ll likely experience slightly accelerated fat loss compared to eating more of your daily calories in the evening.


This is NOT true.

Daily fluctuations in your body’s water balance, eating schedule, training schedule, sleeping schedule, and stress levels can mask fat loss for a short period of time.

Let’s say that from one day to the next, you “gain” one pound according to the scale. This is totally possible even if you are focusing on fat loss and doing everything right (maintaining a caloric deficit, exercising regularly, etc.)

Well, it takes approximately 3,500 calories of excess consumed energy to gain a pound of body fat. So if you burn 2,000 calories per day, you would need to eat approximately 5,500 calories to gain a pound of body fat in 24 hours. That is the ONLY way you can possibly gain a pound of body fat.

You can lose body fat. Get access to our proven Vegan Fat Loss Formula for FREE!

Daily fluctuations are mostly due to changes in your body’s water balance. A gallon of water weighs around 8.3 pounds.

Measurement errors can also play a role in masking progress. To limit day-to-day body weight fluctuations as much as possible, I highly recommend that you weigh yourself at the same time every day, preferably in the morning before you eat or drink anything.

But even if you weigh yourself every morning at the same time, your body weight can change due to numerous factors. So if you nailed your diet and training the day before, but the scale shows an increase in body weight, don’t stress. It doesn’t mean you gained body fat.

This is why I recommend that you don’t worry too much about day-to-day fluctuations, but rather track your weekly average body weight. Weekly averages offer you a clearer picture of your progress. To do this, you could weigh yourself every day and then calculate your weekly average body weight every Sunday morning. If you find your weekly average body weight dropping every Sunday, then you’re progressing.

All of this being said, please don’t let the scale define your progress. It is simply a measuring tool to make sure you are heading in the right direction. Always remember that your main goal is to improve your body composition, not lose weight.


At the end of the day, both men and women want to improve their body composition by reducing body fat and building muscle. And when it comes to the optimal training approach to improving body composition, there is no evidence that says women should train differently than men. Regardless of your gender, heavy compound weightlifting should be your primary training focus.

Many dieters do understand the importance of resistance training but tend to believe that lifting light weights for tons of reps is the key to getting lean and toned. This is completely false.

Performing countless repetitions with light weights does not improve leanness, muscle separation, muscle density, or vascularity. High-repetition, light-weight training also doesn’t burn more calories in comparison to a training program with fewer repetitions centered around heavy weights.

In a study conducted at Ball State University, researchers analyzed the body composition and performance differences between a high-repetition, light-weight training program, and a low-repetition, heavy-weight training program in healthy women. The 34 women in this study were randomly assigned to one of three groups:

Group 1: Performed high-repetition, light-weight training with minimal rest between sets.

Group 2: Performed a heavy-weight strength training program with most of their repetitions between 70% and 90% of their one-rep max (1RM). Note: Your 1RM is the maximum amount of weight that you can lift with proper form for an exercise. If your 1RM on deadlift is 200 pounds, then lifting weights between 70% and 90% of your 1RM would mean that you are lifting between 140 pounds and 180 pounds.

Group 3: Performed no resistance training. This was the control group.

In 24 weeks, Group 1 shredded 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) of body fat and gained 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) of lean muscle. That’s not too bad. However, Group 2 blew their results out of the water by shredding 8.8 pounds (4 kilograms) of body fat and gaining 7.3 pounds (3.3 kilograms) of lean muscle.

Group 2 also demonstrated greater increases in upper and lower body maximal strength, increases in muscular power and speed, and increases in high-intensity local muscular endurance. This study proves that heavy-weight strength training is far more beneficial than light-weight training for women who want to shred fat and get toned.

As illustrated by this study, there are enormous benefits of resistance training for women, but the idea of lifting heavy weights is often met with concern. In my experience, many women tend to refuse lifting weights altogether, or they lift weights that are so light that they will never be challenged and will never make progress.

The major fear that holds most women back is that they don’t want to get “big” and “bulky” by lifting weights. But in reality, naturally low testosterone levels prevent women from looking manly.

Women, you must understand that you simply do not have the right mix of hormones that enables men to get big and bulky. Men typically have about seven to eight times as much testosterone as women, yet it takes years of heavy weight training and proper eating for us to get big and bulky.

The super muscular women that you see on the cover of bodybuilding magazines use tons of supplements to achieve their physiques. In many cases, they also use drugs. So you’re not going to lift weights one day and look like the Hulk tomorrow. Your body will slowly change over time and you can always alter your exercise program or meal plan if you get to a point of muscularity that you do not want to cross.


The only way to make a particular area of your body leaner is to reduce your overall body fat percentage, which will reduce fat everywhere on your body. This is a function of diet more than anything else.

Another thing you need to know is that people’s bodies are different in terms of where they lose fat first and more easily, determining which areas are more stubborn and last to lean out. Unfortunately, the areas that take the longest to get lean are usually the ones people are most concerned about: the abdominal area in men and the pelvic region, thighs, and butt in women.

There is no supplement, device, or any other trick to spot reduce body fat in a particular area. None. Zero. It is NOT possible, so just focus on healthy overall fat loss.


Cardio machines often show pretty graphs indicating where your heart rate should be for “fat burning” versus “cardiovascular training.” You calculate this heart rate by subtracting your age from 200 and multiplying this number by 0.6. If you keep your heart rate at this number, then you’ll supposedly be in the “fat-burning zone.”

There’s a kernel of truth here. You do burn both fat and carbohydrates when you exercise, and the proportion varies with the intensity of exercise. A very low-intensity activity like walking taps mainly into fat stores, whereas high-intensity sprints pull much more heavily from carbohydrate stores (specifically your glycogen stores).

At about 60% of maximum exertion, your body gets about half of its energy from carbohydrate stores and half from fat stores (which is why many “experts” claim that you should work in the range of 60–70% of maximum exertion). In the short-term, this means that you will burn slightly more body fat. But if you maintain a moderate caloric deficit in the range of 15-30% for more than a few days, then you burn through your glycogen stores.

The average human can store about 500 grams of glycogen in skeletal muscles and about 100 grams of glycogen in the liver, which overall yields approximately 2,400 calories of stored energy. Once you burn through those 2,400 calories of glycogen, and continue maintaining a caloric deficit which means that your body will quickly burn ingested carbohydrates, then your body will be forced to rely on burning stored body fat for energy. 

Furthermore, studies conducted by Laval University, East Tennessee State University, and the University of New South Wales have shown that shorter, high-intensity cardio sessions tend to result in greater fat loss over time than low-intensity sessions. Research has also shown that high-intensity training is more muscle-sparing than low-intensity cardio.


Numerous studies have proven that cardio alone does not have any fat shredding benefits. This is because dieters who engage in regular cardio tend to eat back the calories they burn.

Doing cardio can certainly help you burn fat when combined with a proper diet, but if you eat too much, your body will simply replace the burned fat with the excess calories you’re feeding it. This is exactly what happened in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Kansas.

Women who engaged in regular cardio (four sessions per week that burned an average of 440 calories per session) saw no changes in body weight or body fat percentage after 16 months! The men in this study fared slightly better, shredding 10.8 pounds (4.9 kilograms) of body weight in 16 months by doing regular cardio (four sessions per week that burned an average of 670 calories per session). But even at that rate, it would take you 30 months to shred 20 pounds!

This research indicates that it is simply too easy to eat back all the calories that you burn from cardio. And this is something that most cardio-focused weight loss programs seem to struggle with.

The typical cardio routine that I see dieters follow goes like this: they burn a few hundred calories in an hour of grueling torture to “earn” the right to eat a bit more food or have a slice of cake after dinner, desperately hoping that their efforts will eventually yield results. This is equivalent to saving up a few hundred dollars from a job that you hate just to buy something that you don’t need, desperately hoping that one day you will be rich.

The only possible outcomes from this approach are lost time, frustration, and no results. The better approach is to burn a few hundred calories with an hour of intense weightlifting. Weightlifting will help you to shred fat while also building, or at least maintaining, lean body mass.


Many vegan dieters tend to think that you can just “eat clean” to lose weight by consuming all of your calories from healthy, nutritious foods. There is a degree of truth to this, since many healthy, nutritious foods are incredibly filling and have low caloric densities. In fact, I practice clean eating myself, and highly recommend it. But don’t fall prey to the illusion that clean eating will be the savior to your fat shredding struggles.

If you burn 2,000 calories per day, but somehow manage to eat 3,000 calories of raw fruits and vegetables, you might have perfect blood work (which is awesome!) but you’re not going to shred any fat. However, if you burn 2,000 calories per day and only eat 1,600 calories of junk food, you will lose weight.

Remember the fundamental principle of fat loss: you must eat fewer calories than you burn to shred fat. This holds true regardless of the foods you consume. To prove that energy balance is the only thing that matters for fat loss, Professor Mark Haub from Kansas State University conducted a weight-loss experiment on himself in 2010. He started the experiment at 211 pounds and 33.4% body fat. Over the course of two months, he lost 27 pounds on a junk food diet of Twinkies, Doritos, and Oreos.

Of course, I don’t recommend that you adopt a junk food diet to shred fat. Fat loss shouldn’t come at the expense of your health. But his experiment reinforced the fundamental law of fat loss. It doesn’t matter if you just stick with “clean” whole foods, if you don’t maintain a caloric deficit, then you will not shred fat.

One gram of carbohydrate found in kale contains the same amount of energy as one gram of carbohydrate found in maple syrup. That’s because one gram of carbohydrate is always going to be worth four calories, regardless of food source. This is why so many vegans fail to shred fat by simply “eating clean.”

By eating nutritious plant foods, they give their bodies an abundance of micronutrients, which is fantastic. But they also feed their bodies an abundance of calories, which stops fat loss. You simply cannot rely on “eating clean” to achieve your fat shredding goals. Nutrient-dense foods are optimal for your health, but that doesn’t mean you can eat as much fruit as you want.


A gluten-free diet is only healthier if you have a diagnosed gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Gluten is not harmful to other people. Companies know people think gluten-free is healthier, so they put gluten-free on their label and triple their price to make more money. And often there are fewer nutrients in these gluten-free products. So unless you have a diagnosed gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, you do not have to consume gluten-free foods.


False, you need to have a low body fat percentage. And the only way to get a low body fat percentage is to burn fat, which requires that you consume fewer calories than you burn for some length of time until you reach your desired level of lean-ness. That’s why people say that abs are made in the kitchen.

With that being said, if you want strong abs that “pop,” then you definitely want to do ab training. But the trick is actually adding extra resistance, not just doing bodyweight ab exercises.

Imagine receiving a personalized fitness and nutrition plan tailored to meet your exact goals, being supported by a coach chosen specifically for you, and welcomed into a committed community of vegans journeying together along the way.

Pretty amazing, right?

Even better: it actually exists!

The Vegan Superhero Academy is the most trusted vegan fitness and nutrition coaching program available online!

Are High-Protein Diets Bad For You?

Although research recommends a high-protein diet for building muscle mass and preserving muscle mass during fat loss, we must consider the potentially detrimental effects of a high-protein diet to our health.

Many vegans associate a high-protein diet with poor health, and for good reason. According to Harvard Medical School, health conditions linked to a high-protein diet include the development of high cholesterol, a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, weight gain, increased cancer risk, and kidney disease.

These concerns are valid, but they are specific to a high animal protein diet, not a high plant protein diet.

high cholesterol and heart disease

By definition, a vegan diet is cholesterol-free. There is zero dietary cholesterol in plant foods. As such, plant-based diets have been proven to lead to a significant drop in blood cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of our number one killer, heart disease (1).

And even though your body needs cholesterol to form hormones and digest fat-soluble vitamins, your body can produce all the cholesterol it needs from raw materials such as fat, sugars, and proteins. You do not need to consume dietary cholesterol.

Furthermore, a 2010 meta-analysis conducted by the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine confirmed that a low-fat, plant-based diet substantially reduces cardiovascular disease risk (2).

Weight gain

Concerning weight gain, over a hundred years of metabolic research has proven that energy balance is the basic mechanism that regulates weight gain and loss (3). A high-protein diet in and of itself has no impact on weight regulation. The only way you will gain weight following a high-protein diet is if the extra protein calories you consume put you into a caloric surplus.


In the NIH-AARP (The National Institutes of Health - American Association of Retired Persons) Diet and Health Study, the most rigorous study of diet and mortality ever conducted, researchers observed the diets of 500,000 men and women over a period of 10 years (4). After compiling their data, the researchers came to a simple conclusion: Meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of dying from cancer, dying from heart disease, and dying prematurely in general.

This conclusion was made after controlling for other diet and lifestyle factors, thereby excluding the possibility that people who ate meat also smoked more, exercised less, or failed to eat their fruits and vegetables.

The researchers hypothesized that heme iron, which is the iron found in blood and muscle, is largely to blame. Heme iron generates cancer-causing free radicals and has been linked to heart disease (5). Plant foods contain all the iron you need in the form of non-heme iron, which doesn’t generate the same cancer-causing free radicals that heme iron does. Furthermore, phytonutrients and phytates in plant foods have been proven to slow down and even stop cancer cell growth (6, 7).

Kidney disease

Regarding kidney disease, high animal-protein intake can have a profound negative influence on normal kidney function by inducing a state called hyperfiltration, which causes a dramatic increase in the workload of the kidneys.

Now, this isn’t such a bad thing if it happens occasionally. If you have healthy kidneys, you already have quite a bit of built-in reserve kidney function, which is why you can live with only one kidney. But if you consume animal products, you are constantly forcing your kidneys to call upon their reserves, which taxes your kidneys over time.

In 1987, researchers first discovered a correlation between those who eat a plant-based diet and better kidney function (8). They first theorized that this was due to plant-based eaters consuming less protein overall. However, more recent research has proven that your kidneys appear to handle plant protein very differently from animal protein.

Within just hours of consuming meat, your kidneys are forced into hyperfiltration mode, whereas consuming an equivalent amount of plant protein causes no observable stress on the kidneys (9, 10). In fact, consuming tuna fish can cause your kidney filtration rate to jump up 36.3% within three hours, but consuming an equivalent amount of protein from tofu places zero strain on the kidneys (11).

A 2014 study from the Chinese University of Hong Kong analyzed the effects of soy protein versus dairy protein consumption on the kidney function of 270 female subjects with diseased kidneys (12). The researchers found that the soy protein helped preserve kidney function.

Then why is plant protein beneficial to kidney function while animal protein is detrimental? Because animal protein causes inflammation.

In fact, in a study conducted at the University of Internal Medicine in Italy, researchers found that their subject’s hyperfiltration response to animal protein disappeared when they administered a powerful anti-inflammatory drug along with a meat-based meal (13). So if you want to have healthy kidneys, you can either follow a vegan diet or take anti-inflammatory drugs every time you eat animal products.

In conclusion, decades of research have clearly established that a high-protein vegan diet does not contribute to high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, cancer risk, or kidney disease.


Do you have any questions about high protein diets? Please post them in the comment section below and I'll answer them! 👇

Your vegan fitness trainer,


How to Burn Fat & Build Muscle At The Same Time (Vegan Body Recomposition)

What is Body Recomposition?

The term “body composition” refers to the proportions of lean body mass and fat in the body. Lean body mass simply refers to everything in the body that isn’t body fat, including muscle mass, organs, and bone.

Generally speaking, a healthy body composition tends to possess higher percentages of lean body mass, and lower percentages of body fat. The better your body composition, the leaner and more ripped you are.

The trick to building a strong, fit, athletic body is pretty simple: for most people, that means burning fat and building lean muscle. Some people say that it’s possible to do both at the same time while others say it’s not. So what’s the truth?

The Truth About Body Recomposition

Let me begin by saying this... Most people cannot EFFICIENTLY shred fat and build lean muscle at the same time. But it is possible to do both at the same time if you know exactly what to eat and how to train based on your body composition and your goals.

And here's proof that it is possible…


For example, a client of ours got a DEXA scan on March 17th of this year right before beginning our program, and then got another DEXA scan on June 19th right after finishing our 90-day Vegan Superhero Academy coaching program.

And her results were pretty phenomenal! She shredded 24.7 pounds (11.2 kg) of body fat in 90 days. Pretty awesome, right? That is amazing in and of itself, but here’s the kicker…

Her body weight only dropped by a total of 13.5 pounds (6.1 kg). So how could her body weight only drop by 13.5 pounds if she lost 24.7 pounds? Because in that same 90-day period she gained 11.2 pounds (5.1 kg) of lean muscle mass.


Another client of ours, Todd, recently accomplished similar results. He got down to 9% body fat and got ripped abs at 48 years old. According to his body composition tests, he shredded 23.5 pounds of body fat while gaining about 6 pounds of lean mass in 79 days.

To get results like these, it really comes down to nailing your nutrition. When you are trying to accomplish a body recomposition goal, then nutrition is the most important part. Of course, you also have to progressively overload your muscles and give your body a reason to build muscle mass through resistance training. With the right nutrition plan and training program, you can burn fat and build muscle at the same time.

The Math of Body Recomposition

The First Law of Thermodynamics

If you are in a caloric surplus, you will be storing net energy. If you are in a caloric deficit, you will be losing net energy. Because fat and muscle tissue are separate systems, it is possible to lose fat due to the caloric deficit while building muscle due to the progressive training and sufficient protein.

But when analyzing body recomposition, the most important factor is the amount of calories you are consuming.

So how many calories do you need to burn to lose fat? Well, one pound of body fat weighs 454 grams. Approximately 85 to 90% of this weight can be attributed to stored triglycerides that can be burned for energy (the rest is water and cellular machinery) (1).

This means that you have roughly 400 grams of stored triglycerides in each pound of body fat that you must burn to lose one pound of fat. Since each gram of pure fat contains nine calories, this means that it takes about 3,600 calories of cumulative burned energy to lose one pound of fat.

And how many calories do you need to consume to gain lean muscle mass? An estimated 2,500 to 2,800 excess calories is needed to gain one pound of lean mass, though there is not any hard scientific evidence to determine an exact number. This has the effect of actually increasing your perceived deficit without having a significant impact on one's hunger levels.

So to lose body fat you need to be in a caloric deficit of 3,600 calories over time to lose 1 pound of body fat. And if you are also building lean muscle mass at the same time because your fitness and nutrition are really dialed in, that will increase your perceived deficit because your body needs to take excess calories from the food you’re eating to synthesize more muscle tissue. So you can potentially increase your rate of fat loss while also building muscle tissue.

The 3 main things that you MUST do to shred fat and build lean muscle

Vegan Body Recomposition Secret #1

To lose fat and build muscle, you must focus on fat loss.

In other words, you must maintain a caloric deficit to shred fat as it is not possible to shred fat while maintaining a caloric surplus. However, your body CAN build muscle in a caloric deficit (2).

At the same time, it is possible to be too aggressive with your caloric deficit, which will slow your metabolism and result in lost muscle mass (3). There’s a sweet spot that you need to maintain between burning fat and building muscle.

I’d recommend about a 15-20% caloric deficit, which will help you shred fat rapidly, but also put you in a position to build lean muscle at the same time. You just need to be sure that you are following the exact right diet and training routine.

Vegan Body Recomposition Secret #2

You must maintain a high protein diet.

Now there is nothing wrong with consuming a low protein diet, but if you want to shred body fat while gaining lean muscle, then you need to follow a high-protein diet. In a 2016 study, researchers at McMaster University split up 40 subjects into two groups (4):

Group 1 (the low-protein diet group): Researchers randomly assigned 20 subjects to a low-protein control diet (1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day).

Group 2 (the high-protein diet group): Researchers randomly assigned the other 20 subjects to consume twice as much protein as the low-protein group (2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day).

All subjects from both groups performed resistance exercise training combined with high-intensity interval training for 6 days per week. The researchers also provided all meals and beverages for the participants to consume throughout the intervention period (with the exception of water). They all followed a caloric deficit of 40%. In other words, they ate 40% less calories than they burned every day.

Over the course of the 4-week trial, the low-protein group shredded 3.7 kilograms (8.2 pounds) of fat while the high-protein group shredded 4.8 kilograms (10.6 pounds) of fat. So the high-protein group had a slight edge in fat loss, but there wasn’t a huge difference. This isn’t surprising as a high-protein diet has been shown to increase fat loss, preserve lean body mass, and maintain your metabolism.

But here’s the true power of a high-protein diet when it comes to body recomposition. The high-protein group gained 1.2 kilograms of muscle (2.6 pounds) while the low-protein group only managed to maintain their lean muscle mass. Again, there is nothing wrong with consuming a low protein diet, but if you want to shred body fat while gaining lean muscle, then you need to follow a high-protein diet.

So how much protein should you consume?

A 2014 meta-analysis conducted by researchers at AUT University in New Zealand provided a systematic review of 6 studies with energy-restricted, resistance-trained adult subjects (5). They found that people maintaining a caloric deficit while trying to build lean muscle must consume between 1.05 to 1.41 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (2.3 to 3.1 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass).

Your intake should be scaled upwards with the severity of your caloric deficit and leanness. In other words, the larger your caloric deficit and the leaner you are, the higher your protein intake should be. Lean body mass is everything in your body that isn’t fat (i.e., organs, skeletal muscle, water, and bone).

Vegan Body Recomposition Secret #3

When it comes to building muscle, there is one scientific principle that matters more than any other. It’s called progressive overload.

Your muscles must be given a reason to grow bigger and stronger. They don’t just grow because you want them to. They grow because they NEED to grow to handle the stresses that you are placing them under. In other words, you have to lift heavier and heavier weights over time. That’s how you progressively overload your muscles, which is the fastest way to build muscle.

The way I like to do this is with heavy weights at the gym. And I like to focus on exercises like the squat, deadlift, and bench press. But you can do this at home with resistance bands or sandbags too.

In fact, Todd and Agata accomplished most of their results while working out at home with minimal equipment. I should also add that you want to keep cardio to a minimum because too much cardio affects your body's ability to grow muscle.

factors that will determine whether you are able to build muscle in a caloric deficit

There are 4 main factors that will determine how efficiently your body is able to build muscle mass in a caloric deficit, while also shredding body fat.

  1. Your level of proper training experience. Meaning, the less proper training experience you have, the more likely you are to be able to build lean muscle. For people with more than 2 years of proper training experience, I recommend that you focus on cycling between periods of cutting and bulking because trying to build muscle in a deficit may result in you just spinning your wheels and making little progress.

  2. The higher your starting body fat percentage, the more likely you will be able to build muscle in a caloric deficit because you’ll have lots of body fat to lose.

  3. You maintain a moderate caloric deficit, about 15-20%. So no crash dieting where you’re in a caloric deficit of 50+% as this will make it very difficult to build muscle while you are shredding body fat.

  4. You maintain a high protein diet, somewhere between 0.7-1.0 g/lb of bodyweight depending on your body fat percentage.

How do you know if you are burning fat and building muscle at the same time?

The only way to know for sure is to track your weight and body fat percentage. In other words, you need to know exactly how your lean mass and fat mass are changing over time. The only way to know this for certain is to take regular body composition tests. The best one of these is DEXA.

However, as we’ve mentioned before, you can also get an idea of how things are going with more accessible measurement methods: taking progress pictures, weighing yourself, and taking body measurements regularly.

If you are already relatively lean, increases in your arms and calves and decreases in your waist and hip measurements are a good indication that you are building muscle. If the scale is dropping at the same time and your midsection (particularly your abs) is becoming more defined, then it’s likely that you are building muscle at the same time. But that’s not a very scientific approach, so there’s a lot of gray area there.

I would highly recommend getting regular body composition tests if you are really serious about body recomposition.


  • You CAN shred fat and build muscle at the same time

  • Your body recomposition results largely depend on your level of training experience. How much of your natural potential have you already accomplished?

  • You MUST maintain a caloric deficit to achieve body recomposition. It doesn’t have to be an aggressive deficit and should be scaled upwards with your body fat percentage. The more body fat you have, the higher your deficit can be.

  • You MUST maintain a high protein intake to support muscle growth.

  • You MUST focus on progressive overload with your training. Focus on lifting heavier weights over time - really push yourself!


Do you have any questions about body recomposition? Please post them in the comment section below and I'll answer them! 👇

Your vegan fitness trainer,


Should Vegan Athletes Take Creatine?

When you think of creatine, you may think of a supplement meant to help you gain muscle and strength.

You may have even heard that vegans can especially benefit from taking it.

But what is creatine? Does it actually do what it claims to do? And above all, is it a supplement that’s safe and worth taking?

The following article will give you the low-down on creatine and help you figure out whether you should give it a try for yourself.

An Introduction to Creatine

Creatine is a compound that’s naturally present in your body. A small percentage is stored in your brain, kidneys, and liver, but the largest amounts are stored in your muscles (1).

The amount of muscle creatine can vary from person to person and depends on various factors, including diet. The type of food that contains the most creatine is meat, which shouldn’t come as a surprise since other animals also store creatine in their muscles.

This may be one reason why vegetarians, including vegans, tend to have lower levels of creatine than meat-eaters (2, 3, 4).

That said, eating animals is not the only way to boost creatine levels — and definitely not a necessity. Our bodies can also produce creatine internally from the amino acids glycine and arginine, which many plant foods contain.

Creatine supplements containing zero animal derivatives are another way to boost creatine levels. Plus, supplements are a much more effective strategy to increase muscle creatine levels compared to eating meat.

Now Sports Creatine Monohydrate

That’s because a person would have to eat 2.8 pounds (1.3 kg) of raw meat each day (or twice that amount if cooked) to get the same amount of creatine found in 5 grams of supplement (5).

Other factors which can influence the amount of creatine stored in your muscles include the total amount of muscle mass you have, the type of training you do, and your hormone levels.

Summary: Creatine is a compound naturally found in the body and mainly stored in muscle. Vegetarians and vegans tend to have lower creatine levels than meat-eaters and supplements are the best way to increase levels.

How Does Creatine Work?

Creatine works by providing your muscle with a quick source of energy.

It does so by boosting the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that stores the energy that your cells need to function. The higher the amount of creatine present in your muscles, the quicker ATP can be produced and used by your muscles to contract (6).

Simply put, higher creatine levels in the muscles help your muscles recover more quickly between sets. This lower fatigue generally means that you can fit in more sets or reps during the same training session, both of which can equate to better results (1, 7).

This reduced recovery time is especially useful during repeated short bursts of intense exercise, which require quick replenishing of your muscles’ energy stores. For instance, during weightlifting, sprinting, soccer, rugby or hockey.

In addition, creatine also acts in key cellular processes which can help increase muscle mass, strength, and recovery (8). 

For instance, creatine supplementation may help reduce protein breakdown and increase anabolic hormone levels in your body, both of which can promote muscle strength and growth (9, 10).

Creatine supplementation also appears to boost muscle repair and muscle water retention, both of which may also lead to improved muscle recovery and growth (11, 12).

To learn how to boost your post-workout recovery even more, click here.

Summary: Creatine works by providing the muscle with a quick source of energy. Higher creatine concentrations in your muscles can help increase muscle mass and strength. These creatine stores also help to improve exercise performance, especially during short bursts of high-intensity exercise.

Effects on Muscle Mass

Creatine is one of the most effective and well-researched supplements when it comes to growing muscle (13, 14).

Even taking creatine for as little as a week can produce significant effects. It’s important to note that most of the increase in muscle mass in the first few weeks of supplementation comes from water retention in the muscle. However, over a longer period of time, muscle fiber growth also increases (11).

Several studies support this notion. For instance, in one study, participants given creatine increased their muscle mass by an additional 4.4 lbs (2 kg) following a 6-week training program than those given a placebo (15).

In another, older individuals given creatine in combination with a muscle training program experienced significantly greater gains in muscle mass than a placebo by the end of the 14-week study period (16).

In weightlifters, creatine intake during a 12-week training program increased muscle fiber growth 2 to 3 times more than training alone. The weightlifters taking creatine also gained 5 more pounds (2.3 kg) of muscle than those given the placebo (17).

Not many studies have been done on the effects of creatine on vegetarians and vegans. However, in one study conducted by researchers at St. Francis Xavier University, around half of the participants were vegetarian and there were even three vegans.

The individuals in this study were given either a creatine supplement or a placebo and put through an intense 8-week weight training routine focused mainly on the upper body.

All participants who received creatine gained more muscles than those given the placebo, regardless of their diet. However, the vegetarians gained the most muscle — around one additional pound (around 0.5 kg) more than the non-vegetarians (4).

Summary: When combined with weight training, creatine can help individuals gain more muscle mass. This effect may be especially strong in vegetarians and vegans.

Effects on Strength and Exercise Performance

Creatine can also help improve strength and exercise performance, especially during short bouts of high-intensity exercise.


According to a review of 22 studies, training with creatine may result in 8% more strength, a 14% increase in weight lifting performance, and a 43% higher bench press one rep max compared to training without creatine supplementation (18).

But this meta-analysis only scratched the surface of the more than 300 studies that have investigated the effect of creatine on high-intensity exercise performance.

Around 70% of these 300 studies report significant improvements while 30% found either no effects or effects too small to be significant. None of these studies found negative effects of creatine supplementation. Of those which found a positive effect, improvements in maximal power and strength ranged from 5% to 15% (19). However, creatine offers generally fewer benefits for low-intensity or endurance-type exercise (7, 20, 21, 22, 23).

Again, few studies exist on creatine intake in vegetarians. However, those which do exist tend to find similar results to those above (2, 4).

Summary: Creatine, when taken in combination with training, increases strength and high-intensity exercise performance. However, it has limited effects on low-intensity or endurance-type exercise.

Other Beneficial Effects of Creatine

In addition to its beneficial effects on exercise listed above, creatine may also have a wide range of positive health effects. The most researched include:

  • May help reduce symptoms of Parkison’s disease (24, 25).

  • May lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes (26, 27, 28).

  • May improve brain function and memory, although not all studies agree (29, 30, 31, 32).

  • May reduce fatigue during sleep deprivation (33).

Summary: In addition to having positive effects on muscle, strength, and performance, creatine may also provide the additional health benefits listed above.

Creatine Type and Dosage

Scoop of creatine

Several forms of creatine can be found on the market. The most common, and best researched, is creatine monohydrate.

You may come across claims that other forms of creatine are superior to creatine monohydrate. However, no studies actually support this notion (34).

The amount of creatine monohydrate you need to optimize muscle, strength, and performance gains depends on the type of loading protocol you choose.

  • Quick loading protocol: 0.1 grams of creatine monohydrate per pound of body weight per day (0.3 g/kg of body weight per day) — or you can take 5 grams four times per day — for 5-7 days, followed by 3-5 grams per day thereafter.

  • Longer loading protocol: 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per day taken for 21-30 days followed by 3-5 grams per day thereafter.

By the end of either loading protocol, you’ll end up with around the same amount of creatine in your muscles. However, as the name implies, the quick loading protocol achieves this in 5-7 days rather than 3-4 weeks.

To maximize creatine absorption, try mixing your supplement with a source of carbs, for instance, juice. Absorption is slightly improved after a workout when insulin levels are elevated (35).

Summary: Creatine monohydrate is the best-researched form of supplementation. Dosages depend on whether you choose to follow a quick-loading or longer loading protocol. By the end of either loading period, your muscles will contain similar total amounts of creatine.

Creatine Safety

In terms of safety, it’s worth mentioning that creatine is considered one of the safest supplements on the market. It’s also one of the most well-researched.

For instance, one study investigated 52 blood markers following creatine supplementation for close to two years. Researchers found no adverse effects (36).

Despite fears that creatine may harm the liver and kidneys, no scientific proof of negative effects could be found in healthy adults sticking to the recommended creatine doses (36, 37, 38).

That said, if you already suffer from liver or kidney issues, you might want to check with your healthcare practitioner before taking this supplement.

Moreover, despite many anecdotal claims of the contrary, creatine supplementation appears to have a positive influence on muscle cramps and dehydration (39).

In fact, some studies even show that creatine may reduce the risk of dehydration and muscle cramps during exercise in hot conditions (40, 41). 

Several medium-term studies have also been performed and continuous creatine intake for up to four years shows no negative effects (36, 37).

That said, few studies have investigated safety effects passed four years. Thus, long-term safety cannot be guaranteed since long-term effects are not currently known. Longer-term studies are needed.

Summary: Creatine use is generally considered as safe in healthy adults following the recommended dosages. Continuous intakes for up to 4 years appear to have little negative effects. However, studies looking at longer-term effects are still needed.

The Bottom Line

Creatine is a safe and effective supplement with various proven benefits for strength, muscle mass, performance, and even health.

Creatine levels appear generally lower in vegans and vegetarians. Thus, active vegetarians and vegans seeking to grow muscle or increase strength and exercise performance may particularly benefit from creatine supplementation.

That's a wrap! Thank you SO MUCH for reading this article!

Before you do anything else, please check out Alina's plant-based nutrition tips at her website: She also offers nutrition consultations. If you are interested in working with a vegan sports dietician, please contact her here:

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How Much Protein Should You Consume During A Cut?

To ensure all your weight loss comes from body fat, higher protein intakes are required to help preserve muscle when on a caloric deficit.

A joint study conducted by AUT University, California State University, and the University of Illinois found that caloric intake should be set at a level that results in bodyweight losses of approximately 0.5% to 1.0% per week to maximize muscle retention.

With this caloric deficit, the study concluded, “most but not all bodybuilders will respond best to consuming 2.3 to 3.1 g/kg of lean body mass per day of protein, 15-30% of calories from fat, and the remainder of calories from carbohydrate.”

A meta-analysis led by the same AUT University researchers provided a systematic review of 6 studies with energy-resisted, resistance-trained (> 6 months) adult subjects.

The AUT University researchers reached the same conclusion as the previous study: protein needs for energy-restricted resistance-trained athletes are likely 1.05 to 1.41 grams per pound of lean body mass (2.3 to 3.1 grams per kilogram of lean body mass) scaled upwards with the severity of caloric restriction and leanness. Lean body mass is everything in your body that isn’t fat (i.e., organs, skeletal muscle, water, and bone).

A study from the Exercise Metabolism Research Group at McMaster University concluded that strength athletes on a caloric deficit should consume as much as 0.82 to 0.91 grams per pound of body weight (1.8 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day), depending on the extent of the deficit.

A study from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham examined the influence of various dietary protein levels on lean body mass and performance during short-term periods of caloric restriction in athletes. Their findings indicate that young healthy athletes need approximately 2.3 grams per kilogram of body weight for maintenance of lean mass during short periods of caloric restriction.

Collectively, these studies suggest you should consume 0.82 to 1.40 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (2.3 to 3.1 grams per kilogram of lean mass) when dieting to shred fat.

Please keep in mind that these recommendations are for serious strength athletes and bodybuilders. If you do not compete in strength or physique contests, then you likely don’t need that much protein.

Here are my general guidelines for protein consumption:

Approximate Protein Requirements for 3 Types of People - The Vegan Gym (

If you follow the high carb mantra in most vegan health circles, these protein requirements probably seem way too high.

But trust me. I’d rather hit my protein and be safe than risk burning any of my hard-earned vegan muscle gains while I’m on a caloric deficit.

For example, if an experienced weightlifter (4+ years of weightlifting experience) loses just a single pound of muscle while shredding, it could take 2 to 6 months of intense weightlifting to gain that pound of muscle back during his/her next bulking period!

Assuming five 1-hour workouts per week, that single pound of muscle could take upwards of 135 hours of intense weightlifting to gain back!

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather eat a bit more protein than I probably need to avoid losing any muscle instead of killing myself for 135 hours in the gym just to get back to my pre-shredding lean body mass.

Yes, hitting 1.1 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass while on a caloric deficit is a challenge. It requires careful planning and most likely protein supplementation.

Protein powders simplify your life and allow you to eat plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables while still hitting your high-protein macros.

Are you getting enough protein?

Find out by using our FREE Vegan Nutrition Calculator!

Should You Take A BCAA Supplement?

Article Summary

Are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) worth taking? Is there scientific evidence that they help to build or maintain muscle mass?

Suffice it to say that there is a lot of conflicting research on the topic of BCAA supplementation. After you cut through the marketing BS and BCAA manufacturer-funded garbage studies, there’s still a pretty muddied scientific stance on BCAA supplementation.

On the whole, however, BCAAs likely fall short of their marketing hype. You simply do not need BCAA supplements to build muscle because many vegan foods like tofu and pea protein are abundantly rich in BCAAs (and far less expensive!)

Although diet and training are by far the most important drivers of muscle growth and fat loss, BCAAs do have their place in a proper bodybuilding regime.

According to the latest research, BCAA supplements are beneficial in two specific circumstances:

  1. Supplementation during a serious caloric deficit in which you are at a low body fat percentage and struggle to get enough protein (specifically the amino acid leucine).

  2. Supplementation during fasted training as a muscle sparing strategy.

Please read the rest of the article to learn everything you need to know about BCAAs.

What are BCAAs?

There are nine essential amino acids – the building blocks of protein – that must be consumed in your diet because your body cannot produce them. Three of these essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine – are called branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) because of their branched molecular structures.

While most amino acids are broken down in your liver, BCAAs are primarily broken down in your muscle and therefore believed to improve exercise performance and reduce muscle breakdown, particularly during fasted training.

Leucine, in particular, is the MVP of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) because of its star role in building muscle and reducing muscle breakdown.

Should You Take BCAA Supplements?

If you are skeptical of the supplement industry, you have good reason to be.

Bodybuilding supplements are not regulated by the FDA and are often backed by loose pseudoscience. It is alarmingly easy to get a supplement on the market.

But if you look around at various fitness YouTube videos, forums, and “broscience” blogs, you'll find plenty of bodybuilders who swear by their use of various supplements.

Don’t buy into the hype. Many of these same people sell supplements or have been brainwashed by jacked steroid users who shill supplements as their secret to getting ripped.

To be fair, BCAA supplements are one of the most useful, research-backed supplements on the market. There are many studies that tout the legitimate benefits of consuming BCAAs. But don’t be fooled by poor study designs and manufacturer-funded research.

For example, there is plenty of research demonstrating the benefits of BCAA supplementation for subjects following a caloric deficit or consuming low-protein diets.

The most widely cited pro-BCAA supplement study was conducted in 1997 with thirty-one competitive male wrestlers who followed a moderate caloric deficit for 19 days.

The researchers found that BCAA supplementation, in combination with the subjects’ low-protein, energy-restricted diets, induced significant and preferential losses of visceral adipose tissue (i.e. fat) and allowed maintenance of high levels of physical performance.

All this really tells us is that we should use a BCAA supplement if we are consuming less protein than our bodies need during a period of caloric restriction to avoid muscle catabolism.

A meta-analysis of BCAA supplementation literature arrived at the same finding: BCAA supplementation in combination with a moderate caloric deficit has been shown to optimize fat losses without losing muscle or strength.

Again, this isn’t very helpful information. If you aren’t consuming enough protein during a caloric deficit, ingesting amino acids in the form of a BCAA supplement will obviously help you maintain lean body mass.

What we really need is a study that analyzes the effects of BCAA supplementation for resistance-trained athletes consuming high-protein diets!

Thankfully…there are two such studies!

In one of the most comprehensive studies on BCAA supplementation, researchers at Baylor University analyzed the effects of eight weeks of heavy resistance training combined with BCAA supplementation on body composition and muscle performance of 19 non-resistance-trained males.

The researchers concluded that BCAA supplementation failed to alter body composition, muscle strength, or muscle endurance.

Another study from Leeds University analyzed the effects of L-leucine supplementation alone (not all three branched chain amino acids) on strength, lean tissue mass, and fat mass of 26 untrained men following a non-energy-restricted diet during a 12-week resistance training program.

As a brief aside, L-leucine is simply the left rotated form of the amino acid leucine. The body more easily absorbs left rotated amino acids, which are also commonly called “free form” amino acids.

Just like the Baylor University study, researchers found no effect of L-leucine supplementation (4 grams per day) on body composition over the twelve weeks of resistance exercise training.

But in partial contradiction to the Baylor University study, the Leeds University researchers did find improvement in the L-leucine group subjects’ 5 repetition maximum (5RM) strength for five out of the eight exercises tested. The percentage total 5RM strength gains were 40.8% and 31.0% for the L-leucine and placebo groups, respectively.

If you’ve seen BCAA ads stating that a 4-gram daily dose of L-leucine has been shown in a clinical study to increase 5RM strength by over 40% in just 12 weeks, then this is the study they are using.

While this is technically a correct statement, you should take it with a grain of salt. The subjects were novice weightlifters with zero prior training experience. Furthermore, the placebo group experienced a similar, albeit lower, explosion in strength gains over the same 12-week period (31.0% vs. 40.8%).

The study concludes that 4 grams per day of leucine supplementation may be used as a nutritional supplement to enhance strength performance, but these findings aren’t necessarily applicable to experienced strength athletes.

So although there’s a pretty muddied stance on BCAA supplementation in the scientific literature, we can reach a few conclusions from the peer-reviewed studies above:

  1. BCAA supplementation is an effective muscle sparring strategy if you are following an energy-restricted diet (i.e. a caloric deficit). BCAA supplementation might also enhance strength performance.

  2. If you are consuming enough BCAAs from dietary protein (including protein powder), then supplementing with BCAAs is unlikely to provide additional benefit.

  3. Leucine supplementation alone appears to be nearly as effective in stimulating muscle protein synthesis as when all branched chain amino acids are consumed.

When You Should Consider Taking a BCAA Supplement

You’ve likely heard that if you do too much cardio, don’t ingest enough protein, or if you over train, then you risk cannibalizing your muscle.

While there is truth to these concerns, the science isn’t quite so simple. Your body breaks down and utilizes free BCAAs in your muscle first before your body cannibalizes muscle tissue. Your body takes these BCAAs and converts them to glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis (GNG) and uses the glucose for energy.

This process ensures BCAAs do have a muscle sparing action, but this is only helpful in certain situations, namely, if you are in a moderate caloric deficit or engaging in fasted training.

Specifically, the benefit of free form BCAA supplements lies in their ability to quickly flood the blood stream and muscles with high amounts of BCAA, especially leucine, to prevent muscle catabolism.

While your body absorbs amino acids from vegan protein powders (like pea protein) rather quickly (it takes around 45 minutes after consumption before your body begins to extract and absorb amino acids from protein powder), the ingestion of 5 grams of BCAAs from protein powder does not create the same metabolic response as the ingestion of 5 grams of free-form BCAAs from BCAA supplements.

Taking a BCAA supplement before intense cardio, particularly fasted cardio or cardio while following a caloric deficit, will help to preserve muscle mass.

For example, a study from the College of Charleston showed that BCAA supplementation in trained individuals performing resistance training while on a hypocaloric diet maintained lean mass and preserved skeletal muscle performance while losing fat mass.

Although informative, it is worth noting that the subjects didn’t receive a normal dose of BCAAs. The BCAA group received a whopping 28 grams of BCAAs daily (14 grams pre-workout and 14 grams post-workout) while the placebo group received 28 grams of a carbohydrate/electrolyte supplements (14 grams pre-workout and 14 grams post-workout).

Personally, I rarely train fasted and only use BCAAs when I drop below 10% body fat during a cut. While I maintain nearly all of my strength and muscle mass during deep cuts, I cannot attribute my lean body mass (LBM) retention to BCAA supplementation. I carefully plan my diet and training to achieve these results.

Even if you are following a caloric deficit, you can get all of your BCAAs from high-protein vegan foods to prevent muscle catabolism.

For me, supplementing with BCAAs is just to be safe so I don’t risk burning any of my hard-earned vegan gains during a caloric deficit. If an experienced weightlifter (4+ years of weightlifting experience) loses just one pound of muscle while cutting, it will likely take 2 to 6 months of intense weightlifting to gain that pound of muscle back during his/her next bulking period! I'd rather play it safe and supplement with BCAAs to ensure I am doing everything in my power to maintain LBM.

I have also experimented with leucine supplementation for the purpose of LBM retention during cuts, but cannot directly attribute any positive benefits to it either.

Doesn’t BCAA supplementation assist in reducing exercise-induced muscle soreness?

Nope, current research doesn’t support this common belief. A study funded by MusclePharm Corp (a manufacturer of BCAA supplements), which was surprisingly unbiased, found that BCAA supplementation does not reduce muscle soreness, nor does it appear to aid in attenuating the reduction of muscular performance following intense resistance training.

What You Should Take Instead of BCAAs

There is plenty of research that proves raising BCAA levels (leucine in particular) before and after exercise helps us build more muscle and maintain lean mass. However, there is little evidence that consuming BCAAs through supplementation is more effective than a high protein diet.

I think this excerpt from a review of BCAA research literature sums it up well:

“No data support the finding that oral supplementation with amino acids, in contrast to dietary protein, as the source of amino acids is more effective.”

If you are in a caloric surplus and eat enough protein, particularly leucine, you do not need a BCAA supplement. See my general targets for protein consumption in the table below.

How Much Protein Do Vegan Bodybuilders Need

The truth of the matter is that there are plenty of high-protein vegan foods and less expensive vegan protein supplements that are loaded with BCAAs.

For example, pea protein powders can be as high as 20% BCAAs by weight, surpassing even most whey protein powders!

Essential Amino Acid Profiles of Popular Vegan Protein Powders

On top of that, every 30 gram serving of pea protein gives you the required amount of leucine that is optimal for muscle growth, which is about 2.5 grams for the average male bodybuilder.

This is what makes pea protein such a great protein source! It is packed with essential amino acids, especially BCAAs!

What Are The Best Food Sources of BCAAs?

BCAAs are found in a number of protein-rich foods, including quinoa, pumpkin seeds, alfalfa seeds, kidney beans, tofu, sesame flour, and sunflower seed flour. One of the best sources, however, is pea protein concentrate, which has one of the highest concentrations of leucine compared to other vegan protein sources.

As previously mentioned, leucine is a particularly important amino acid because it acts as a trigger for muscle protein synthesis (MPS). Most plant proteins have a relatively low leucine content, which reduces their anabolic properties. Therefore, it is very important to consume a variety of high-leucine foods.

A 100-gram serving of pea protein concentrate has about 9.2 grams of leucine compared to 0.8 grams of leucine in 100 grams of dry quinoa, 0.7 grams of leucine in 100 grams of tofu, 1.6 grams of leucine in 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, and 0.7 grams of leucine in 100 grams of kidney beans.

The Bottom Line on BCAA Supplementation

There is no doubt in the scientific literature that adequate levels of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are vital to building muscle, improving strength, and maintaining lean mass. However, there is little evidence that consuming BCAAs through supplementation is more effective than a high protein, BCAA-rich diet.

That being said, if you are at a low body fat percentage (less than 10% for men and less than 15% for women) and following a moderate caloric deficit or training in a fasted state, then BCAA supplements might be beneficial. I use and recommend CleanMachine BCAAs.

Clean Machine BCAAs

Just getting started on your fitness journey? Or want to make sure you’re heading in the right direction?

Try our FREE Vegan Nutrition Calculator to be sure you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs to meet your goals!

Do you have any questions about BCAAs? Send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook!

That's a wrap! Thank you SO MUCH for reading this article!

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How To Eat The Vegan Foods You Love And Still Get Fit (IIFYM)

If you want to learn how to use flexible dieting, also known as IIFYM, to lose fat, gain muscle, and stay healthy while eating the delicious vegan foods you enjoy, then you want to read this article.

What Is IIFYM?

IIFYM is short for “If It Fits Your Macros.”

Macros, short for "macronutrients," is the term used to describe the 3 main macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Rather than placing all of your attention on counting calories or demonizing certain macronutrients, IIFYM focuses on meeting daily macro goals. Done correctly, this provides a consistent calorie intake, but one that can be personalized in many different ways.

In other words, IIFYM is a diet trend that allows you to eat anything you want whenever you want it and still reach your weight goals! The catch? You have to eat the right amount of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Does IIFYM Actually Work?

Is IIFYM effective for both losing fat and gaining muscle? Is it true that you can eat the foods you love while improving your physique?

In short, the answer to these questions is yes.

The principles of IIFYM, when properly applied, allow you to get the body you want by eating the foods you really love.


IIFYM is NOT a diet that consists of only eating junk food. It is a counting system used for accuracy so you can fit junk foods into your diet in moderation while consuming the bulk of your macros from healthy whole foods.

When done right, IIFYM is a solid balance of moderation and flexibility.

Try our FREE Vegan Nutrition Calculator to figure out your macros in less than 5 minutes! Find out what you need to eat to meet your goals..

The 4 Principles of Vegan IIFYM Dieting

  1. The number of calories you eat is more important than the source of those calories

  2. Macronutrients matter just as much as the number of calories

  3. You should get at least 80% of your calories from minimally processed, nutritious food

  4. There is no need for “meal timing” so you can eat whenever it fits your schedule and preferences

Principle 1: The number of calories you eat is more important than the source of those calories

Many diet “gurus” – even in the vegan community – claim that a “calorie isn’t a calorie” and that dieting is all about what you eat, not how much.

Well, this is complete garbage.

You gain weight by eating more calories than you burn and you lose weight by eating less calories than you burn. The relationship between how many calories you are consuming versus how many you are burning is called your energy balance.

It’s that simple.

You can’t eat 50 bananas a day and expect to lose weight and get the body of your dreams. You can be the “cleanest” eater in the world, eating the most nutritious foods, and still be weak and skinny fat if you eat too much and don't work out.

I must admit I really like the idea of being able to eat as much fruit as I want and still be able to lose weight, because I freaking LOVE fruit, but the reality is not so simple.

Dieting is all about how much you eat, not what you eat.

To prove that pure calorie counting is what matters most, not the nutritional value of the food, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University, Mark Haub, lost 27 pounds eating Twinkies, Little Debbie snacks, Doritos, and Oreos.

Extreme? Most certainly. Unhealthy? Of course. But he proved his point.

When you feed your body fewer calories than it is burning, it must get those extra calories from somewhere, so it turns to its fat stores. When you keep your body in a calorie deficit over time, your body fat will decrease.

Principle 2: Macronutrients matter just as much as the number of calories

A calorie is not a calorie when we are talking about body composition. Whether your main goal is to gain muscle or lose fat, you need to do more than just maintain a caloric surplus or caloric deficit.

  • You must eat enough protein every day to gain muscle while bulking and preserve muscle while cutting.

  • You must eat enough carbs to give you the energy to push through gruesome workouts and progress in all your lifts.

  • You must eat enough fat to maintain proper hormone production.

You should consume most of your dietary fat from monounsaturated fats like avocados, seeds, and nuts. Furthermore, you must pay close attention to your EPA/DHA intake, especially as a vegan. Your body can convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but the conversion ratios are very low. Consequently, I use an EPA/DHA supplement and I recommend all vegans do the same.

So protein, carbs, and fat all play an important role in your health and body composition goals. This is why counting macros is superior to just counting calories. Personally, I follow and recommend a high protein, high carb, low-fat diet for both bulking and shredding.

If you want to calculate your macros to reach your fitness goals, try our FREE Vegan Nutrition Calculator!

Principle 3: You should get at least 80% of your calories from minimally processed, nutritious food

Macros are all that matter for fitness results, but micronutrients are arguably more important for overall health. So the only problem I have with the IIFYM group is that many people tend to use it as an excuse to eat crap. And this is a serious problem because - as Professor Mark Haub demonstrated with his Twinkie diet - you can actually eat crap while improving your physique.

The reality is that your body turns carbs from Oreos into glucose and glycogen just like the carbs from kale.

But, using the principles of IIFYM as an excuse to eat junk food while getting in shape is completely stupid.

Just because you can eat a half gallon of Non-Dairy Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cookie ice cream every day and still get shredded doesn’t mean you should.

I use the principles of IIFYM to achieve my physique goals, but I don’t use it as an excuse to eat junk food all the time. I stick to a diet of mostly whole plant foods whether I am bulking or cutting and I recommend you do the same.

As a general guideline, you should get at least 80% of your calories from nutritious whole foods - preferably more. Here’s a brief list of the healthy foods you should be eating:

Protein sources:

  • Lentils

  • Beans (black, pinto, kidney, etc.)

  • Sweet peas

  • Chickpeas

  • Hemp hearts (seed)

  • Buckwheat

  • Quinoa

  • Pumpkin seed

  • Spirulina

  • Organic tofu

  • Tempeh


  • Almonds (or almond butter)

  • Walnuts

  • Cashews (or cashew butter)

  • Brazil nuts

  • Macadamia nuts

  • Hazelnuts

  • Chestnuts

  • Pecans

  • Pistachios

  • Sesame seeds

  • Pine nuts

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Avocado

  • Flax seed

  • Coconut

Fibrous Carbohydrates:

  • Kale

  • Cabbage

  • Broccoli

  • Asparagus

  • Artichoke

  • Bok Choy

  • Eggplant

  • Sweet bell peppers

  • Zucchini

  • Brussel Sprouts

  • Cauliflower

  • Mushrooms

  • Parsley

  • Onions

  • Tomato

  • Spinach

  • Cucumber

  • Collard greens

  • Lettuce

  • Leeks

  • Celery

Starchy Carbohydrates

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Quinoa

  • Couscous

  • Rice

  • Pasta

  • Oats

  • Carrots

  • Legumes

Principle 4: There is no need for “meal timing” so you can eat whenever it fits your schedule and preferences

You don’t have to stick with “feeding windows,” eat protein every 2-3 hours to avoid “going catabolic,” or avoid carbs after 6PM.

And your metabolism won’t slow down if you eat 2 meals instead of 6.

I happen to prefer to eat more, smaller meals every day, but it doesn’t have any effect on my metabolism. If you prefer calorie dense foods, you can easily work them into your macros by eating fewer, higher calorie meals.

Hitting your macros is all that matters. Meal timing does not matter.

That being said, I should note that there is a slight exception to this rule. A high-protein post-workout meal or shake is a good idea if you are trying to build muscle and strength.

I also recommend that you consume some pre-workout carbs to give you the energy to crush your workouts, which in turn helps you progress in all your lifts to gain muscle and strength.

Do you have any questions about IIFYM? Send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook!