Coach Arman’s Story

Arman first went vegetarian at 16 years old, but didn’t fully discover the power of a plant-based diet until around 20 years old. He then started his journey of building muscle and strength and becoming a competitive record-chasing powerlifter completely as a Vegan! He thrived off of creative veganized versions of everyone’s favorite foods and quickly realized how much impact he could have in the world by becoming a Coach focused on Veganism and Plant-Based Lifestyles!

The importance of health and fitness is very important to Arman after seeing many members of his family and close friends become very ill and have a history of cancer. If he can help everyone become the best version of themselves, then he won’t stop until he does!

Outside of fitness, Arman has a background in languages and culture, and speaks 5 languages! He got his undergrad degree in Near Eastern Studies and Languages. Before falling in love with training and coaching others, he was working in big Tech companies doing data analytics. He has always had a love for data, and the answers it can help us find, and he uses this same mentality with Coaching.

Arman is currently trying to set a new deadlift record in the 84kg weight class in Spain, and is actively training weekly to continue to improve himself in every way possible. Arman’s passion in life is helping others and has been so ever since watching a Ted-Talk about the key to happiness.

Other hobbies and passions include fantasy literature, longboarding, solving Rubiks Cubes, playing piano, and juggling!


Start your transformation
with the support of a coach like Arman!