Coach Daniel - The Vegan Superhero Academy — The Vegan Gym

Coach Daniel’s Story

Daniel Louwrens graduated with a degree in Chemistry in 2019 but quickly realized his passion lied where he had thought it was for years - fitness. He had already worked in the supplement industry and helped his peers for quite some time and quickly switched to coaching local and international clients ranging from strength athletes to the general public.

He's been working in the fitness industry for over a decade and has helped numerous clients to reach their physical and mental goals.

Daniel became a vegetarian to save money in university and became a full vegan for the most ridiculous reason you can imagine. Someone told him it wasn't possible to be huge and vegan. The stubborn scientist in Daniel wanted to prove him wrong and is currently still actively proving him wrong.

Currently, Daniel competes in bodybuilding standing 6’4’’ tall weighing anything between 250 - 300lb, depending on his goals. But it wasn’t always this way. After succumbing to injuries in 2017, Daniel had to stop playing international rugby and was caught in a deep depression.

He quickly gained weight and bad habits, and decided to change this as a New Years resolution. This is where Daniel decided to jump in the deep end and compete in a bodybuilding show 10 months later. He succeeded, dropping from 315lb and 35% body fat to 240lb and 7% body fat.

Daniel’s coaching style is simple - find something that works for the individual in front of you. Science tells us a lot, however, sticking to what science says without adapting based on how your client reacts isn’t a great idea. When it comes to fitness and health there are about a million ways to achieve success. Daniel wants to help his clients find this way, teaching them how to integrate fitness into their lifestyle in a sustainable way, and maybe learn a thing or two himself as well.


Start your transformation
with the support of a coach like Daniel!